Oh, my poor neglected blog!
I have been very quiet lately as I have been frantically preparing myself and setting up the gallery for my final assessment which was last Monday and then recovering from the immune system crash that followed! Have been very tired and sniffly since but hooray...I am ASSESSED!!
Have had the usual anti-climax feeling that follows a years hard work being wrapped up in 15 minutes, which is now being replaced by the dreaded feeling of finding out my results on Monday....eeek!
I keep having flash backs of ridiculous moments in the assessment when my predictable nerves prevented me from articulating anything and having almost no connection with my work what so ever. It was all quite scary. I then look back over the year and remember all the ideas, hard work and pride that I do have with what I have achieved and what do grades really mean anyway, right?
So here are some pics of my assessment installation. I was really happy with how fresh and open the display looked. Having not seen all my work out all together, I was a tad worried that it would look too busy and colourful. The space worked well as giving a sense of an interior and despite some lighting issues, it all came together quite well.
Left wall: Ceramics, Cushions and Collages
Back wall: Fabric lengths, Chairs
Chair detail