
around the studio

Blue scrap metal yard bargain and words to live by.
 Ponies, Owls, pretty chairs and succulents. A window display in progress.

 Studio Xena enjoying the sun :)

Pretty colours
The studio decorating is a work in progress. Building the table and getting busy was the first priority, however, being a creature of my surroundings, it is important for me to have an organised space and be surrounded by things that inspire me for the designing process.
We have been colecting bits and pieces over the past three months from garage sales and the space is becoming to feel more and more alive and creative. Am really looking forward to spending time over the holidays with a paint can and putting in a feature wall and arranging more pretty things.

the table that eddy built

 First pieces put together in place. I really love how perfectly the dimesions of the table fit into this space. It was as if it was meant to be there.

Base complete!

 Bench top and stotrage complete!
 The exciting part. Once we put the felt down, we unrolled the canvas. This is when it really began to feel real. Eddy got to put his upholstery skills to use and staple the canvas down.
 I must have been way to excited to photograph the table complete with backing cloth but this was pretty close!
First repeat print sample to test the registration bar. Win!
Covered in freshly printed tea towels. 


suitcase rummage

Yesterday we set off to enjoy the sunshine at the Suitcase Rummage Market in Canberra. Not only was the weather perfect, the atmosphere was really relaxed and friendly. We met loads of lovely people, especialy our friendly stall neighbour Marie - Nicole whose company made our day extra special.


Things have really changed in my world over the last 3 months. A hesitant move interstate found me meeting my dream man, who has reinspired me to pursue my love of screen printing, which sadly got put aside when I entered the world of full-time teaching.

With a new studio space and a 4 1/2 meter print table (lovingly built by said dream man) I have been busily printing away with old designs so I can replenish my online shop and stockists with the antisipation of launching new designs and products in the new year. Did I mention that dream man is also a very clever upholsterer??? We also share a mutual love for garage sales and op-shopping. Our heads have been exploding with all the things that we can do together, the possibilities are endless!

Very exciting times ahead xx